What do you want to achieve when you invest?
Please select your answer
An investment that does not fluctuate in value
Keep the value of my investments with regular income on which to live.
Maintain regular income with some exposure to capital growth.
I’m not worried about income, just maximizing the growth of my investments.
How long are you prepared to hold investments for?
Please select your answer
Two years or less.
Three to five years.
Six to ten years.
More than ten years.
How would you react if your investments were to fall in value by 15 per cent over a one-year period?
Please select your answer
Help! Take all my money out and put it in a bank deposit account.
Take out some of my money and move it to a ‘safer’ investment strategy.
Wait until I recover the loss and then consider other investments.
Stick to my guns and follow the recommended strategy.
Wow! It’s 15 per cent cheaper to invest more money in the same investment.
What is your willingness to risk short-term losses for the prospect of higher long-term returns?
Please select your answer
Not sure.
Choose the most appropriate response to the following statement: I am willing to experience the ups and downs of the market for the potential of greater returns.
Please select your answer
Strongly disagree.
Neither agree nor disagree.
Strongly agree.
Choose the most appropriate response to the following statement: My main concern is security; keeping money safe is more important than earning high returns.
Please select your answer
Strongly disagree.
Neither agree nor disagree.
Strongly agree.
When it comes to investing, how experienced do you think you are?
Please select your answer
Inexperienced — investing is a new experience for me.
Somewhat inexperienced — investing is fairly new to me.
Somewhat experienced — knowledgeable.
Experienced — I know the factors that make investments go up and down.
Very experienced — I do my own extensive research and have an excellent understanding of what factors affect investment performance.
How secure is your future income (such as from salary, pension or other investments)?
Please select your answer
Not secure.
Somewhat secure.
Fairly secure.
Very secure.
How would you describe your current financial situation?
Please select your answer
Completely debt-free.
Mortgage-free but a few other obligations (such as credit card debt, education fees).
A reasonable mortgage but no other debt.
A mortgage and some obligations.
Up to my eyeballs in debt (such as a mortgage, credit card and/or margin loan).